hacked by sixenn45

Ask yourself before reading this blog…
- Are you a market research employee or working with consulting companies?
- Most of your time is spent searching on Google?
- Mostly involved in secondary search?
- Are you not able to get what you are looking for in Google?
If your answer is “Yes”, then you must read this blog to make your time more productive.
I have noticed Google is mostly used by market research companies and consulting companies for secondary research. If you look at functions, then Google is mostly used by Industry Leaders and professionals alike. In recent trends, Google is mostly used by graphic designers as well.
Every researcher commonly uses “inverted commas” to refine the search result. But more than “inverted commas” there are many things in Google you should know about. As we all are aware about Google search engine working basically on “keywords”& SEO; any web page opened will only look at your “keywords” and then you begin reading the statement whether it is relevant to your research or not.
Here is your answer, which will help you in refining the search result-
1. Do you want your keyword to be Title of the webpage?
Use “intitle”. For example – intitle:“Ashish Gupta Bangalore”
2. Do you want your keyword to be in URL of webpage?
Use “inurl”. For example – inurl:“Ashish Gupta Bangalore”
3. Do you want to exclude words from the webpage after search results are found?
Use “-”. For example – Ashish Gupta Bangalore -LinkedIn (I have excluded LinkedIn)
4. Do you forget your keyword or you remember partially?
Use “*”. For example – I need * for my * (search result “I need a video for my business” with many combinations)
5. Do you want a specific file for your keywords in a particular website?
Use “Site: and filetype:”. For example – site:www.ibm.com "Ashish Gupta" filetype:pdf
I believe time is money. I hope above five pointers will help you in the same and will increase your productivity. Requesting you to leave a message after reading this blog and share your problem statement and pain areas. I will definitely try to help you in terms of make use of Google effectively.
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net